Updating to Oculus Runtime V0.7.0.0

This is a guide on how to update your system to develop virtual reality experiences for Oculus Runtime V0.7.0.0:

  1. Uninstall the old Oculus Runtime (likely V0.6.0.1). A reboot is required after this.
  2. Install the new Oculus Runtime V0.7.0.0. A reboot is required after this. It can be found here: https://developer.oculus.com/downloads/
  3. Download the Oculus Utilities for Unity 5 also from here: https://developer.oculus.com/downloads/
  4. Back up your project.
  5. Upgrade to Unity 5.2, either 32-bit or 64-bit. Available here: https://unity3d.com/get-unity/update. This version of Unity has a new way to implement VR. You won't have any more "_DirectToRift.exe" files.
  6. Reload your project into the new version of Unity.
  7. Delete the old OVR folder. If the user modified some files, they should back them up.
  8. Delete the old plugins for OVR in the Plugins folder.
  9. Install the Oculus Utilities for Unity 5.
  10. The prefabs you had in your scene, if any, should now be updated. The most noticeable change is that the OVRPlayerController has only one camera now on the Center. Any changes to the game object should be reviewed to take into account this change. That is, if something was, say, on the right eye, it should now be on the Center.
  11. Verify the scene works as intended.
  12. Go to Build Settings -> Player Settings -> Other Settings -> Rendering and check Virtual Reality Supported. Stereoscopic rendering should be unchecked as this does not apply to VR.
  13. Build as normal.

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